Sound Joins the Decade of Ag to Collaborate on Agricultural Innovation
At Sound, we strive to provide growers with science-based solutions and tools to support farms and improve agricultural sustainability. To further support this vision, Sound is proud to have joined together with other like-minded innovators, leaders, and organizations to support the US Farmers and Ranchers in Action’s Decade of Ag.
The Decade of Ag
US Farmers and Ranchers in Action (USFRA) is a non-profit uniting farmer- and rancher-led organizations and food and agriculture partners who share the goal of improving global food systems.
USFRA is the secretariat of the Decade of Ag, which brings together innovators in the agriculture, science, food, and technology industries to collaborate on nature-based solutions to fight climate change and build a new vision for agriculture by 2030.
“From COVID to increasing weather events to geopolitical and related supply risks we are truly at an inflection point that underscores the urgency with which we need to revolutionize our food system,” says Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Director of Business Development for Sound. “Now is the time to act and the Decade of Ag plays a great convening role to support research, innovation, and collaboration to drive real change.”
The Decade of Ag invites stakeholders from across the industry to imagine and initiate a more resilient, economically viable, and climate-smart agricultural system capable of producing clean energy and an abundance of nutritious food and natural fiber. With increases in global population and greenhouse gas emissions posing serious and urgent threats to the sustainability of global food systems and natural resources, USFRA and other members of the Decade of Ag are investing in sector-wide collaboration and action to solve these problems.
Creating the Future of Agriculture
Sound’s work is rooted in the belief that the natural biology of plants and the soil microbiome hold the keys to addressing the challenges facing the agriculture industry today. This ethos is what led to the development of SOURCE®, Sound’s microbiome activator, and the launch of the nitrogen reduction program. Partnering with USFRA for the Decade of Ag was a logical continuation of Sound’s mission.
“By joining the Decade of Ag, we’re pledging to maintain our focus on investing in advancements in agriculture to support farmers,” says Michelle Yoshinaka, Sound’s VP of Corporate Marketing & Communications. “Our goal is to provide solutions that are easy to use and integrate without massive costs or time consuming changes so that farmers can see a return on investment from the start.”
“Now that we’re officially a member of the Decade of Ag the hard work really begins,” says Kaitlin. “Our focus will be on activating our Decade of Ag commitment to help growers reduce 30% of global nitrogen fertilizer.”
To support the Decade of Ag’s mission to increase collaboration and cooperation to address big issues and spark growth within the industry and beyond, Sound is also committed to working with other thought leaders, organizations, and innovators to reach this goal.
“In addition to providing technical assistance and technology, we are investing in climate-smart initiatives that provide innovative financing to the space while bringing together partners who can mobilize capital or other resources to help advance the broader agenda of the movement,” says Kaitlin. “We are always looking for opportunities to provide a platform for growers to tell their stories and discuss best practices, and we’re excited for the opportunity to partner with others in the industry to continue sharing grower’s stories.”
“Time and time again, we hear the same sentiment — we need to collaborate in order to make the changes necessary to support a sustainable way of producing food. We owe it to the planet and to all people,” says Michelle. “This program makes it easier for us to identify other organizations with like-minded goals, allowing us to join together to maximize our impact.”
Sound is joining over 160 farmers, ranchers, thought leaders, and innovators who have signed on to support the Decade of Ag’s vision for a more resilient and economically viable agricultural system.
“Agriculture sits at the intersection of health and climate and it’s truly inspiring to work together to enable real environmental, social, and economic impact for a better future,” says Kaitlin.
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Ready to learn more about SOURCE?
SOURCE improves nutrient availability to your crops by stimulating nitrogen fixing and phosphorus solubilizing microbes. The result is more macro and micronutrient availability leading to healthier, more productive plants. A foliar application of SOURCE provides 25 pounds of nitrogen and phosphorus per acre.