Sound Solutions

Simplify your operation with our easy-to-use solutions that cut through the complexity to deliver the highest return on investment for your farm.

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Solutions, Simplified

A Winning Solution for Every Grower

Whether you are focused on efficiency or yield, we have a simple solution that will drive the highest ROI for your operation.

Efficient Acre

Your fertility plan optimized

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The Efficient Acre Solution allows growers to optimize input efficiency risk-free by replacing synthetic fertilizers with SOURCE

Growers can earn up to $10 per acre when they use SOURCE to replace 25 units of nitrogen and phosphorus. If results fall short, Sound offers up to $100 per acre in reimbursement, ensuring a no-risk approach to nutrient management.

Maximum Acre

Maximize access to nutrients

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The Maximum Acre Solution is designed for growers who have dialed in fertilizer and are looking for new tools to push top-end yield. 

Combining SOURCE and BLUEPRINT boosts nutrient availability and yield potential. And it’s backed by our product guarantees, so if it doesn’t pay for itself, you’ll get your money back.