Frequently Asked Questions
Sound Agriculture develops nature-based solutions for sustainable crop production. Nutrient efficiency products activate soil microbes to improve nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in crops, reducing growers’ reliance on synthetic fertilizers. On-demand breeding quickly delivers improved plant traits without changing plant DNA, resulting in food that is better for people and the planet.
Sound was started to create new solutions to help growers face modern day challenges caused by extreme weather, supply chain disruptions, and escalating prices. Our focus is on offering new tools that help produce more food using less land and fewer resources.
Watch our video to find out more.
Sound Agriculture was founded by Eric Davidson, PhD and Travis Bayer, PhD who use their expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics to bring science-based solutions from the lab to the field. Learn more about our leadership team.
SOURCE is a soil activator that gives crops access to a more efficient source of nitrogen and phosphorus. A foliar application of SOURCE provides 25 pounds of N & P per acre and enhances micronutrient uptake by stimulating beneficial microbes, and its performance is supported by a cash-back guarantee.
Find out how it works: SOURCE Mode of Action video.
SOURCE is a foliar-applied chemistry that is tank mix compatible with herbicides or fungicides. The optimal timing of SOURCE products varies by crop.
Corn V4–V6, VT–R1 Soybeans V4, R1–R3v Cotton Squaring - Mid-bloom Wheat Apply between
tillering and headingGrass Hay & Alfalfa Consult your Sound representative for other crop-specific recommendations -
When SOURCE is applied as a foliar spray, plants absorb the product and send the active ingredient through the roots into the soil. The product mimics a natural signal sent by plants to microbes, nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization to provide more nutrition to the plant.
There are currently three products within the SOURCE portfolio. SOURCE DC for use on corn, cotton, alfalfa and grass hay, and SOURCE XC for use on soybeans and wheat.
SOURCE can be purchased through our network of independent dealers. Find your nearest dealer here. If a dealer is not available near you, please reach out to to purchase today.